The Top 10 Most-Read Posts of 2018

by on December 28, 2018 · 0 comments

Below are the top 10 posts on the Technology Liberation Front in 2018. Everything from privacy, to 5G, to tech monopolies, and net neutrality. Enjoy, and Happy New Year!

10. How Well-Intentioned Privacy Regulation Could Boost Market Power of Facebook & Google, April 25.

9. Nationalizing 5G networks? Why that’s a bad idea., January 29. (Republished at The Federalist.)

8. The Pacing Problem, the Collingridge Dilemma & Technological Determinism, August 16.

7. GDPR Compliance: The Price of Privacy Protections, July 9.

6. Evasive Entrepreneurialism and Technological Civil Disobedience: Basic Definitions, July 10.

5. No, “83% of Americans” do not support the 2015 net neutrality regulations, May 18.

4. The FCC can increase 5G deployment by empowering homeowners, July 26.

3. Doomed to fail: “net neutrality” state laws, February 20.

2. Should We Teach Children to Be Entrepreneurs, or How to Pay Licensing Fees?, Aug. 21.

1. The Week Facebook Became a Regulated Monopoly (and Achieved Its Greatest Victory in the Process), April 10.

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