NYT Live-Blogging Bailout Debate – Barney Frank Warns of Socialism!

by on October 3, 2008 · 15 comments

The New York Times, that dinosaur of old media, is currently live-blogging the most important Congressional debate since that epochal, thoughtful discussion back in October 2002 as to whether Iraq posed a clear and present danger to the United States justifying a declaration of war—I mean, total non-debate that preceded Congress’s decision to issue President a blank checkthat has proved nearly as expensive as the blank check currently before the Congress.

The highlight of the debate thus far:

11:39 a.m. | No socialism!: After Jeb Hensarling, a Republican representative from Texas, affirmed that he was voting against the bill because it smacks of socialism and might represent limits on liberty, Barney Frank, a Democratic representative from Massachusetts, said that he is “ever mindful” that George Bush might “lead us down the road to socialism,” and so Congress would monitor the bailout closely.

Wow.  When Barney Frank, just about the closest thing to an avowed socialist in Congress after Bernie Sanders, warns about the dangers of a Republican president and supposed “free market” champion leading us down the “Road to (socialist) Serfdom,” we should all feel a terrible chill.  To paraphrase the over-paraphrased Yeats:

Surely some revelation is at hand
Surely the Second Coming is at hand!
… what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards [Washington] to be born? 

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