Primer on Mobile TV Market

by on July 20, 2008 · 10 comments

Progress & Freedom Foundation released a new report this week entitled “A Primer on the US Mobile Television Market,” by Joseph S. Kraemer, Ph.D., who is an Adjunct Fellow at PFF and a Director at Law and Economics Consulting Group. It’s not a policy piece; it just focuses on the projected growth of the mobile television marketplace over the next few years. Kraemer explains why “mobile video is forecasted to explode over the next four or five years.” He notes that it is the logical evolution of the television marketplace:

mobile digital television is a logical extension of the digitally-driven development of television from passive entertainment to an interactive, high value, versatile medium. Each stage builds upon the set of earlier stages. “Personal television” adds functionality and value to “web TV” which did the same to “digital television” which, in turn, did the same to “analog broadcast television.” The development process is additive and cumulative. Although critically important, mobile television is just one aspect of the evolving “personal television” stage.

TV evolution

The report is packed with lots of useful factoids and charts for media analysts. And the paper also contains a useful glossary of terms and acronyms about various mobile media technologies. I’ve embedded the paper below so you can take a quick look, or you can download the 31-page report here.

Read this document on Scribd: Mobile TV Primer (Kraemer-PFF)

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