Grad School Bleg

by on March 20, 2008 · 16 comments

This fall, I will almost certainly be going to grad school in computer science. My options are Rice (where I’d be working with Dan Wallach), Princeton (with Ed Felten), and CMU (with Jim Herbsleb). Felten and Wallach both do research on computer security, with an emphasis on e-voting. Herbsleb studies open source software from a software engineering and economics perspective. I’ve now had a chance to talk to all three of them, and all three of them sound like they’d be great fun to work with. All three of them are interested in the kind of interdisciplinary CS/public policy research I’m hoping to do, although Princeton’s IT Policy Center probably gives it an edge in that respect.

I’ve got a few more weeks to make my decision. If you’ve got first-hand experience with any of these CS programs and would be willing to share your thoughts, I’d love to hear from you: leex1008 (at)

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