Remember Bill 602b? That legislation, which you probably heard about in a message forwarded to you by a well-meaning relative or friend, would have placed a five-cent tax on e-mails.

It was a hoax, of course. No such bill ever existed. But now comes word that the Internet tax bill passed by the House last week actually would allow such taxes to be imposed.

According to a Congressional Research Service memo sent Wednesday to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., the bill’s definition of “Internet access” would allow taxation of “many more products and services” than the existing moratorium. Including, CRS said, taxes on e-mails.

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Tomorrow I’m slated to present my draft paper, Copyright as Intellectual Property Privilege, at Creators vs. Consumers: The Rhetoric, Reality, and Reformation of Intellectual Property Law and Policy, a symposium hosted by the Syracuse Law Review and The Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media at Syracuse University. The folks running the show say that they’ll make a webcast available here. I’m up at 1:45 p.m. Eastern, if that sort of thing interests you. Prefer something a little less multimedia? Here, you can check out the PowerPoint I’ll present.

[Crossposted to Agoraphilia and Intellectual Privilege.]

I’m not much of a Democratic activist, but I’ll take a swing at Kevin Drum’s question regarding the Democrats’ spinelessness with regard to civil liberties:

When we blogosphere types complain about this weak-kneed attitude, are we complaining because (a) we think the centrists are wrong; they could keep their seats in marginal districts even if they toed the progressive line on national security issues. Or (b) because we don’t care; they should do the right thing even if it means losing next November?

I’m not sure about “the progressive line on national security” in general, but with regard to FISA, I find it awfully hard to believe that telecom immunity is a losing issue for the Democrats. I find it awfully hard to imagine somebody’s Republican challenger running attack ads on the telco immunity issue. I mean, between this, FEMA, Haliburton, and the Blackwater fiasco, the Democrats will have a potent narrative about how the President has put cronyism above the interests of the country. If a Democratic politician can’t at least spin the telco immunity issue to a draw, it’s a miracle he got elected to Congress in the first place.

Now, of course the Republican candidate can still run generic “Rep. Smith hates the troops and loves the terrorists” ads. But as Max Cleland discovered in 2002, Republicans call Democrats soft on terrorism pretty much regardless of how they vote. So I think it’s better to have a clear, easily-explained position on the issue (and “telecom companies should obey the law” seems like a pretty clear position to me) than to curl up into a fetal position and vote with the president on everything related to terrorism in the hope that it will save them.

Spending your life in a defensive crouch simply ensures that the other team gets to define the terms of the debate. The way you win an argument like this is by going on offense. The DCCC should start running ads in swing districts touting the courage of Democratic incumbents in standing up to Pres. Bush and his cronies in the telecom industry. Tie this issue to Haliburton, Blackwater, and “Heck-of-a-job” Brownie’s handling of Katrina. Like those folks, AT&T have sold out your rights in exchange for lucrative government contracts. I guess you’d have to run an ad like that by a focus group before you’d know how effective it was, but surely something like that would work better than the current “cave in and hope they’re nice to us” strategy.

Is Comcast a monopolist? You’d think so, given the tone of much of the coverage of the firm’s BitTorrent affair. And supporters of neutrality regulation often scoff at the idea that competition, not regulation, is the best way to prevent market abuses. But competition may be livelier than most people assume. This was evidenced by the “other” Comcast story in the news today — the release of its third quarter financials. The results, which were — according to most reports — disappointing. Of particular note was the drop in new subscribers for high-speed Internet access, coming in at 450,000, down from 538,000 a year ago.

The reason: competition.

“So what’s going on here?” ZDNet asks, and then answers: “Two words, Verizon and AT&T.”
In an article posted today, ” ZDNet’s Larry Dignon indicates that Comcast has been losing ground as its rivals have been gaining subscribers.

Yes, as argued by the Washington Post’s Rob Pegoraro, more competition is always needed. But the competition that exists now is more than a kerfluffle.

Last Friday, the AP broke the news that Comcast’s network management efforts are blocking certain instances of BitTorrent communications. The revelation sparked much commentary on blogs and in the mainstream media, as well as renewed calls for net neutrality regulation.

Two networking experts join us in the podcast this week to discuss exactly what Comcast is doing and its implications for public policy. The experts are Ed Felten, professor of computer science and public affairs at Princeton University, and Richard Bennett, a network engineer and frequent commenter to the TLF. Also on the show are Adam Thierer of the Progress and Freedom Foundation, James Gattuso of the Heritage Foundation, and Jerry Brito of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

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The WP’s Rob Pegoraro has a pretty good take on the Comcast-BitTorrent situation in an online article posted today. Comcast, he says, “would like to be seen as a crossing guard who sometimes must step into a busy intersection to keep pedestrians (customers who just want to get their e-mail) from being mowed down by jerks in speeding SUVs (a few intensive peer-to-peer users).” And that shouldn’t necessarily bother anyone, except that the firm should have been upfront about what it was doing.

The bottom line, according the Pegoraro: “Customers ought to have a simple remedy in these cases. When a telecom company has a problem communicating with them, they should take their business elsewhere,” adding a caveat that there should be a lot more competition.

All in all, a fairly reasonable — and clearly-written — explanation of the whole kerfuffle.

One never knows what to expect from the Consumer Electronics Association’s Gary Shapiro. Last spring, he was caught pointing out that the digital TV emperor wasn’t wearing much (“not everyone really wants free over-the-air broadcasting in their home.”)

Now comes word that he’s challenging a news emperor, CNN’s Lou Dobbs, to a debate on protectionism. “The facts are indisputable—without international trade, our nation would not have the greatest economy in the world,” said Shapiro in a CEA news release. “If we accept messages of fear without acknowledging the facts, we will adopt a defeatist approach that will only hurt our economy and the innovative businesses and talented workers that would otherwise bring more jobs and opportunities to Americans than ever before.”

It’s a publicity stunt of course, but a good one. CEA — which earlier this month launched a new free-trade initiative — has fixed its sights on an important issue. And a Shapiro-Dobbs face-off would be great entertainment to boot. Perhaps not Joe Frazier-Muhammad Ali, but — for policy wonks — pretty close.

No word on whether the debate would be on CNN or ESPN.

Stay tuned.

More good stuff from Ed Felten on the Comcast dispute:

Pretend that you’re the net neutrality czar, with authority to punish ISPs for harmful interference with neutrality, and you have to decide whether to punish Comcast. You’re suspicious of Comcast, because you can see their incentive to bolster their cable-TV monopoly power, and because their actions don’t look like a good match for the legitimate network management goals that they claim motivate their behavior. But networks are complicated, and there are many things you don’t know about what’s happening inside Comcast’s network, so you can’t be sure they’re just trying to undermine BitTorrent. And of course it’s possible that they have mixed motives, needing to manage their network but choosing a method that had the extra bonus feature of hurting BitTorrent. You can ask them to justify their actions, but you can expect to get a lawyerly, self-serving answer, and to expend great effort separating truth from spin in that answer.

Are you confident that you, as net neutrality czar, would make the right decision? Are you confident that your successor as net neutrality czar, who would be chosen by the usual political process, would also make the right decision?

Even without a regulatory czar, wheels are turning to punish Comcast for what they’ve done. Customers are unhappy and are putting pressure on Comcast. If they deceived their customers, they’ll face lawsuits. We don’t know yet how things will come out, but it seems likely Comcast will regret their actions, and especially their lack of transparency.

That final point is important. The alternative we face is not regulation or letting companies do whatever they want. The alternative is regulation vs. a variety of other mechanisms—bad PR, lawsuits, customer defections—that can punish Comcast for bad behavior.

But the market process, like the regulatory process, is a process, and processes take time. In an otherwise excellent piece on Comcast’s dubious explanations for its routing policies, my Ars colleague Eric Bangeman included the a sub-heading “when the market can’t sort things out.” It’s seems to be true that the market hasn’t set things straight yet. But that shouldn’t surprise us. It’s been barely a week since the story broke in the mainstream media.

After all, imagine if the shoe were on the other foot: supposed we had passed Snowe-Dorgan last year and network neutrality were the law of the land. How would the FCC have reacted? Well, Snowe-Dorgan envisions a complaint process with a 90-day response period. So somebody would have had to have filed a complaint (it’s possible this could have been done in late August when the story first hit the tech press), and then the FCC would have needed to investigate and hand down a ruling. That ruling may or may not have gone against Comcast, and if it did go against Comcast it likely would have been challenged in court, delaying compliance by months if not years. So it’s hardly an indictment of the market process that it hasn’t magically made Comcast behave itself after barely a week of negative publicity. If Comcast emerges unscathed in a few months (i.e. few customer defections, no successful lawsuits, and no significant changes in policy) then the “market failure” narrative will be a lot more compelling.

In response to my post two days ago about my new paper on interoperability standards in the cable marketplace, one of our savvy TLF commenters (Eric) made the following argument about how he believed the lack of standardization killed high-def audio:

“In the world of high definition audio, the lack of standardization did not lead to innovation and exciting new services. It led to the languishing of two competing formats, SACD and DVD-Audio. The current fight between two high definition video formats may delay the mass market penetration of any hi-def video disc. Virtually everyone loses. … Freedom is great, but when you need a mass market application, standardization becomes a crucial consideration.”

But another reader (Mike Sullivan) makes an excellent counter-point when he notes:

“Isn’t it also possible that the two HD audio formats have “languished” not because of the fact that there are two competing formats, but because there is limited demand for HD audio recordings at a premium price?”

This is something I happen to know quite a bit about, so I wanted to respond in a separate, detailed post.

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A new Zogby/463 Internet Attitudes poll finds that:

“More than half of Americans believe that Internet content such as video should be controlled in some way by the government. Twenty-nine percent said it should be regulated just like television content while 24% said government should institute an online rating system similar to the one used by the movie industry. In contrast, only 36% said the blocking of Internet video would be unconstitutional. The older you get, the more likely you are to support government restrictions. Only 33% of 18 to 24 year-olds supported government stepping in on content, while 72% of those over 70 years of age support government regulation and ratings.”

This is really troubling to me because almost all my public policy work is devoted to the proposition that the Internet should not be regulated like broadcasting and communications. As the Net continues to rapidly erode the legitimacy or practicality of traditional regulatory systems and institutions, it will increasingly prompt an obvious response from policymakers: We must grow regulation! We must expand the tentacles of the regulatory state to include all those new technologies of freedom! We cannot let people think and act for themselves!

But while we know that’s how policymakers will respond as they see their traditional power over media and communications slipping away, it’s always been less clear to me how average Americans will respond. Will they begin calling for the renewal and extension of the old regulatory standards to new technologies? This new poll suggests that many of them will. That’s troubling because it reinforces what many policymakers want to do. And that’s how we’ll end up with a heavily regulated Internet (taxes, speech controls, Net neutrality regulations, etc, etc.).

As Tom Galvin, a partner with 463, notes: “Some view the Internet as their new best friend, others as an increasingly powerful tool that can infect our youth with harmful images and thoughts and therefore must be controlled. Our challenge as a society is to let the Internet flourish as a dynamic force in our economy and communities while not chipping away at the fundamental freedoms that created the Internet in the first place.”

Amen, brother.