Best $2 Million They’ve Ever Spent

by on February 7, 2007 · 2 comments

Turner Broadcasting is paying Boston $2 million to compensate them for the costs of Boston having idiotic public officials. Although of course they have to emphasize publicly how sorry they are for the incidient, I wouldn’t be surprised if the company is privately thrilled with the outcome. Adult Swim’s target audience is precisely the sort of people who will be amused rather than appalled by the incident. And the national news coverage they received brought the show to the attention of millions of people (including me) who otherwise never would have heard of the show. It will be very interesting to see if they get a ratings spike as a result.

And via Radley, here’s a video of the perpetrators making the media look silly:

The news story above says their case hasn’t been dismissed yet, but I expect (hope?) that will happen soon.

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