PFF’s “Tech Agenda for the 110th Congress”

by on January 19, 2007 · 6 comments

Today, the Progress & Freedom Foundation released a “Tech Agenda for 2007” containing ten policy recommendations for the 110th Congress and the FCC. It’s a set of market-oriented proposals covering a wide array of Digital Economy issues. What follows is just a brief summary of the 10 priorities we came up with. Please review the complete study for our detailed recommendations:

1 – Renew fundamental reforms of communications regulations.
2 – Leave network neutrality concerns to the market and antitrust.
3 – Leave content business models and fair use to the market.
4 – When addressing patents, take a first-principles approach to property and innovation.
5 – Enact meaningful reform of archaic media ownerships laws and regulations that hinder media marketplace experimentation.
6- Pursue greater First Amendment parity among modern media providers by leveling the playing field in the direction of greater freedom for all operators / platforms.
7 – Subject data security and privacy proposals to careful benefit-cost analysis, including full examination of consumer benefits from services and technologies affected by these proposals.
8 – Promote pro-competitive, non-regulatory internet governance.
9 – Avoid open-ended, intrusive data retention mandates.
10 – Promote more efficient taxation of telecom services and Internet sales.

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