I just got a copy of my friend Tim Carney’s The Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your Money I’ve only had time to thumb through it so far, but I thought I’d mention a fascinating chapter on the Enron debacle.
Tim explains how the California power crisis was largely due to the “deregulation” of electricity that Enron lobbied for. I put deregulation in scare quotes because although the regulatory changes introduced in 1998 did increase competition in some aspects of the electricity market, this was far from a free market. Indeed, as Carney documents, Enron lobbied for rules that would rig the market in its favor: the price of power it sold into the California market was unregulated, but the transmission networks which carried that power had an “open access” regime in which prices for the use of the power grid were set by the government. California also prohibited the utilities from generating electricity themselves, forcing the utility companies to buy their power from middlemen like Enron.
Of course, we know the rest of the story: with retail prices tightly controlled and wholesale prices unregulated, wholesale prices spiked and utilities began bleeding red ink. Enron made a bundle, and California got rolling blackouts.