Jupiter Research: Increased Choice a Major Driver for IPTV

by on March 5, 2006

A new Jupiter Research study released recently found, unsurprisingly, that the biggest attraction of Internet Protocol TV for consumers was prices–just over half said that they would switch to IPTV if they could get a lower price. Perhaps more surprisingly, however, was that potential a la carte service came in a close second–with 46 percent of those polled saying they would switch to get a la carte pricing. That number dwarfed features such as high-definition service and video on demand, which excited only six and three percent of consumers.

The lesson for potential IPTV operator, Jupiter says, is that their “services should focus on giving consumers greater choice and control over their television experience, if not true a la carte.” The lesson for policymakers interested in consumer choice is to reduce regulations that hinder IPTV competition, rather than impose new regulations on cable TV.

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