Media Regulation

It was no surprise yesterday that the Supreme Court announced it would not be reviewing the Third Circuit Court of Appeals decision overturning the FCC’s media ownership revisions from 2003. Neither the agency nor the Bush Administration had the heart to re-fight the battle that Michael Powell waged to get these meager revisions through given the backlash it created two years ago.

So, where do we go from here? It’s pretty obvious. Media ownership reform will, once again, become a piecemeal, incremental process with each rule being considered individually over time. The FCC could have taken that path before, but Powell and staff opted for a more principled approach to the issue. He rightly viewed the media world not as a collection of distinct entities, outlets, and technologies, but rather as a big bucket of bits that were all increasingly commingling. Acknowledging the reality of media and technological convergence, Mr. Powell’s FCC decided to take a comprehensive approach to reforming this hodgepodge of confusing media ownership restrictions.

The problem was, by doing so, Powell had created a very juicy target for the media critics to go after. They were able to paint the reform effort as a radical gutting of all the media ownership rules even though the FCC’s revision of the rules only moderately relaxed the existing regulations–and even retained or strengthened some of the rules under consideration.

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Well, after mentioning it in just about every blog entry I’ve penned over the past few months, I’m happy to say that my new book, Media Myths: Making Sense of the Debate over Media Ownership, is finally out!

I open the book by posing the following questions:

* Are media companies in this country too big?
* How big is “too big”?
* Is the media diverse enough and competitive enough today?
* And what relationship, if any, does media size have to the health of our democracy?

I go on to show that, contrary to what some media critics claim, to the extent there was ever a “Golden Age” of media in America, we are living in it today. The media sky has never been brighter and it is getting brighter with each passing year. Citizens have more media options today than ever before. Indeed, far from living in a world of “media monopoly” we now live in a world of media multiplicity.

Regarding claims that extensive media regulation benefits consumers, I show that such rules do little to encourage increased media diversity and competition. Indeed, more often than not, they thwart important new developments that could enhance media diversity and competition. Citizens will be better off without such regulations because their private actions and preferences will have a greater bearing in shaping media markets than arbitrary federal regulations. No matter how large any given media outlet is today, it is ultimately just one of hundreds of sources of news, information, and entertainment that we have at our collective disposal. It is just one voice in our contemporary media cacophony, shouting to be heard above the others. Information and entertainment cannot be monopolized in a free society, especially in today’s world of media abundance.

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Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks that Google is a media company. Check out this Reuters story about how Google is not only a media company, but with its stock trading at a staggering $293 a share, it is the most valuable media company in the world. In just 10 months of trading as a public company, it has surpassed Time Warner to take that honor.

Meanwhile, Google and Yahoo! are “sucking the financial air out of the room” in terms of stealing away valuable advertising dollars from newspapers. According to this story, when it comes to new revenue, Google and Yahoo! have generated $4 billion last year–the same amount as the 10 largest newspaper companies combined! Folks, when two new companies are stealing away that much revenue from other industry players, that’s a sure fire sign that consumers find these products or outlets interchangeable. That is, they are substitutes for one another and they are part of the same “relevant market” in antitrust terms.

So, now that Google is a media company, should we start imposing silly ownership caps and audience reach limits on them the same way we do for the older media giants? I think most would agree that would be foolish, but the reality is that the old media operators still have their hands tied by regulators in many ways while Google and other new media giants storm ahead without any similar regulatory shackles. Seems sort of silly and blatantly unfair doesn’t it?

[UPDATE (6/10): Check out this interesting story about Google’s efforts to improve its automated newsgathering capabilities. The title of the story, “Can Google News Robot Rival the Newspapermen?” is great, but the subtitle is the real kicker:
“A Potential Nightmare Faces the ‘Dead-Tree-and-Ink’ Business.” No doubt about it.

Two months ago, I told the story of how I found a $29 progressive scan DVD player at CompUSA. As I noted then, I found this amazing in many respects, but mostly because I had spent something like $1000 bucks on my first DVD player when they hit the market.

Well, I have found yet another reason to lament being an early adopter of technology. I opened the D section of today’s Wall Street Jounral to read Walt Mossberg’s review of the new Pure Digital Technologies disposable video camera. The price? An amazing $29.99! These video cameras will be sold at drug stores like CVS, which started stocking them on Monday of this week. In their stores, CVS will brand the cameras under their own name.

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Last night, the “News Hour with Jim Lehrer” on PBS ran a wonderful segment on the changing demand for news and how the industry is responding. Ironically, the News Hour’s own website is a great example of how old news outlets can adapt to the changing times. Not only can the complete transcript and video of the show be found there, but the site also includes links to many of the organizations and technologies mentioned in the report.

The report noted that media organizations are being forced to make radical changes to their operations to cope with the increasing customization and specialization that viewers and listeners demand today. I really enjoyed the comments of Kinsey Wilson, the vice president and editor-in-chief of Wilson said:

The audience is beginning to interact with news. We’ve gone from a world in which news organizations had either monopolistic control of certain markets or because of barriers to entry, fairly exclusive control over certain aspects of media, and consumers gravitated towards a few favored sources of news to a world in which there’s saturation news. We no longer have exclusive control of the printing press.

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Why are so many media companies breaking up or shedding assets? Well, the answer certainly has something to do with stock price. As this nice piece in yesterday’s (U.K.) Telegraph noted, Viacom alone has lost 36% of its value over the past five years. “We do not control the price of the stock,” says Viacom leader Sumner Redstone, “although we think about it a great deal.” I bet they do now! In fact, we know that declining stock price has led to the split Viacom plans to complete by the end of June. The end result will be two smaller companies, one containing MTV Networks and the Paramount movie studio, the other containing the older media properties (CBS Television, Infinity Broadcasting, Paramount Television, and book publisher Simon & Schuster.)

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Media guru Ben Compaine has posted an important new essay on his site entitled: “Peercasting as the New Western Frontier.” Ben argues that the Internet and new media are creating the equivalent of a new Western frontier for the expansion of ideas and creativity. Here’s how he puts it:

“The expansive western frontier offered anyone an opportunity to build a farm and become an independent member of society. Free land thus tended to relieve poverty in the Eastern cities while on the frontier it fostered greater economic equality.

What does this have to do with the media? Here’s what: Though it may be a tad premature to know with certainty, in the equally unlimited expanses of information available through the Internet and its related ecosystem I see the makings of a similar safety value for expression and communication.”

Whether is web sites, blogs, Net radio, P2P, podcasting, vodcasting, or whatever your new favorite form of media transmission may be, these new forms of “peercasting” as Ben calls them are revolutionizing today’s media marketplace by giving every man, woman and child the opportunity to speak to the whole planet.

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Fun Fact of the Day… The three major blog tracking sites, Technorati, BlogPulse, and PubSub are now all reporting that they are monitoring over ten million blogs.

We live in amazing times where 10 million people have become their own broadcast station. And yet, as I noted in a recent post, there remains a crowd who say it all doesn’t make a difference. Just crazy.

I want to draw everyone’s attention to an amazing speech on the marvels of the modern Information Age by Stephen T. Gray, managing publisher of The Christian Science Monitor. Speaking to the graduating seniors of Michigan-based Adrian College, Gray argues that, compared to past generations, today’s youngsters are blessed to live in a world of information abundance. “The media saturate your lives far more than any previous generation,” he noted. “Today’s information environment [is] omnipresent, like the air we breathe.” “In this era of innovations and breakthroughs, you’ll be able to explore more options than the most privileged members of past generations.”

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There’s a nasty spat taking place between broadcast giants Paxson and NBC Universal over the PAX television network. Back in the late 1990s, NBC invested over $400 million in PAX to help the new network grow. As part of the deal, Paxson and NBC struck a complicated Joint Sales Agreement (JSA) that imposed responsibilities on each party.

For whatever reason, things haven’t worked out as planned and earlier this year Paxson announced that they intended to drop all the original programming from the PAX lineup (much of which was NBC-produced) and instead rely on paid programming and info-mercials. For this and other reasons, the Paxson-NBC relationship has soured quickly. In fact, it’s gotten downright ugly with both sides calling the other names in the press and pursuing legal action.

Frustrated that it has lost some of these initial legal fights, Paxson has decided to take this fight to another level: The FCC. According to a report in this week’s Broadcasting & Cable magazine, Paxson has filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission claiming that NBC is trying to take “illegal control” of its group of television stations. Moreover, Paxson is seeking a declaratory ruling from the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau against NBC. Specifically, Paxson wants the agency to impose “whatever additional monetary forfeitures it deems appropriate.” In other words, Paxson wants to FCC to intervene on their behalf and even fine NBC to get them to buckle to their demands.

I’m not going to beat around the bush here: I find this sort of behavior absolutely despicable. Don’t get me wrong, it may very well be the case that Paxson is right on the merits of their contractual dispute with NBC. Without examining all the paperwork surrounding these deals, I have no way of knowing who is right here.

But I do know that taking this dispute to the FCC is the wrong move. A regulatory agency is not the place to be deciding matters such as this. This is a fight that belongs in the courts, or better yet, in private dispute resolution. If this was a fight between GM and one of its parts suppliers, we wouldn’t expect that either party could take their case to a regulatory agency and get that agency to wield the club of Big Government on their behalf. But that’s exactly what Paxson is attempting here.

Regulatory agencies are hardly the neutral arbitrators of disputes some might think. They have a vested interest, at times, in tilting the balance in one party’s favor to accomplish other political goals. That’s what makes a situation like this so dangerous. If the FCC did intervene, it could end up doing a lot more than just settling the dispute. It could impose indirect regulation on the entities in question.

Regardless, even if you don’t accept this argument, I would hope most people would understand that routine contractual disputes belong in court, not in a politicized regulatory agency.