video: Some Thoughts on the Free Culture Debate

by on March 21, 2010 · 8 comments

Andrew Keen recently asked me to sit down and chat with him as part of a new series of video interviews he is conducting for Arts + Labs called “Keen on Media.” You can find the discussions with me here (or on Vimeo here). Keen asked me to talk about a wide variety of issues, but this first video features some thoughts about the tensions between the free culture movement and those that continue to favor property rights and proprietary business models as the foundation of the economy. Consistent with what I have argued in the past, I advocated a mushy middle-ground position of preserving the best of both worlds. I believe that free and open source software has produced enormous social & economic benefits, but I do not believe that it will or should replace all proprietary business models or methods.  Each model or mode of production has its place and purpose and they should continue to co-exist going forward, albeit in serious tension at times.

Adam Thierer (part 1) from andrewkeen on Vimeo.

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