Rep. Bart Stupak, (D-MI) recently introduced the ‘‘Online Age Verification and Child Safety Act’’ (H.R. 4059), which would require mandatory online age verification for “any pornographic website accessible by any computer located within the United States to display any pornographic material, including free content that may be available prior to the purchase of a subscription or product.” The measure does not specify how such verification is to be administered, saying only that “any website or online service” must “establish and maintain a system of internal policies, procedures and controls to ensure that no such material is displayed to any user attempting to access their site without first verifying that the user is 18 years or older.”
In essence, the Stupak bill is the “Son of COPA,” or the Child Online Protection Act of 1998, a law that has been constitutionally tested and come up short during an epic, decade-long legal battle in which it was made clear that mandatory age verification is unwise, unworkable, and unconstitutional under the First Amendment.
COPA sought to make it a crime for someone to “knowingly” place materials online that were “harmful to minors.” The law provided an affirmative defense from prosecution, however, to those parties who made a “good faith” effort to “restrict[ ] access by minors to material that is harmful to minors” using credit cards or age verification schemes. COPA was immediately challenge, however, and a 10-year court battle ensued. The law was blocked by lower courts because it was too sweeping in effect and because courts held that there were other “less restrictive means” that parents could use to deal with objectionable content — such as Internet filters.
COPA’s decade-long legal battle finally concluded in January 2009 when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to revisit the law. COPA had already been reviewed by the Supreme Court twice before — in 2002 and 2004. Thus, a third visit to the Supreme Court by COPA would have been something of a historical development in the world of First Amendment jurisprudence. But with the Supreme Court’s rejection of the government’s appeal in January, lower court rulings stood and COPA remained unconstitutional and unenforceable. The key recent legal battle occurred in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld a lower court ruling striking down COPA. The Third Circuit’s full decision is here. And I penned a 3-part series on the lower court ruling by Judge Lowell Reed Jr., senior judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, here, here, and here. Also make sure to check out this summary of COPA’s legal journey that Alex Harris penned last November.
Many, many times here before I have documented my serious ongoing reservations about mandatory age verification. [In particular, see this lengthy white paper and this event transcript for all the details.] Moreover, as I pointed out in a recent PFF white paper (“Five Online Safety Task Forces Agree: Education, Empowerment & Self-Regulation Are the Answer“), every major online safety task force that has studied the possibility of mandatory age verification for the Internet has come to the same conclusion: It won’t work, it’s unconstitutional, and it raises serious privacy concerns. Down below the fold I have pulled some of the relevant language from the five online safety task forces that have met since 2000 and considered this issue. Continue reading →