Update: Note the change in venue below.
Over the last two years, our Alcohol Liberation Front happy hours have become a venerable DC institution. (See here, here, and here for reports from previous ALF events.) We’re going to have our fifth semi-annual ALF on Monday, and it promises to be our best ever, because we’ll be joined by libertarian hero Brooke Oberwetter. Most of us talk a good talk about defying the state, but on Saturday, Brooke walked the walk, getting arrested by humorless park police for silently (and soberly) dancing in honor of Thomas Jefferson’s birthday.
In addition to Brooke, we’ll be joined by the usual TLF gang, James Gattuso’s groupies, and a few interns we’ll bring along to make our turnout look more impressive. Unfortunately, Cord Blomquist has to stay home for a hot date with “Call of Duty 4.” But for the rest of us, it’ll be from 5:30-7:30 at
the 18th St. Lounge Science Club on Monday, April 21. Please leave a comment if you’re planning to join us so we know to keep an eye out for you.