FISA Bill in the House

by on November 15, 2007 · 0 comments

Glenn Greenwald reports that the House will be bringing the RESTORE Act up for a vote today. I wasn’t thrilled with this legislation last time it was brought up for a vote, but there have apparently been enough improvements made to convince Rep. Holt to vote for it, which is a good sign. It’s certainly much better than the horrible legislation in the Senate version, and crucially it includes no immunity for telecom providers.

Here are some good comments by Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas:

Now might be a good time to call your Congresscritter and let him or her know how you feel about warrantless surveillance and telecom immunity.

Update: Just to be clear, the suggestion that you call your member of Congress is a personal recommendation, and shouldn’t be construed as the position of any organizations with which I might be affiliated.

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