Are Young Libertarians Anti-IP?

by on February 2, 2006

James DeLong laments young libertarians’ anti-IP tendencies, quoting my former colleague Adam Theirer:

Almost every young libertarian I come in contact with these days is equally opposed not just to the sort of new copyright protections that the content providers seek, but even to traditional copyright laws and rules that pre-date the 76 Act. And not all of these people are wacko libertarian-anarchist types. Many respected young libertarian minds are turning against copyright. I don’t believe that the best strategy is to ignore them. You guys should engage them in debate and defend your views before this extreme anti-IP position becomes more mainstream.

Since I might be one of the young libertarians he’s referring to, I thought I’d briefly comment on this. I agree with Adam that young libertarians tend to be more skeptical of intellectual property law than older ones, and I appreciate his urging his colleagues to engage our arguments. However, I respectfully disagree with the contention that most of us are “equally opposed” to all intellectual property laws. To the contrary, most of the young libertarian professionals I know are supporters of intellectual property, but are critical of the way that the powers of the copyright industry have been expanded in recent years. I made such a critique a few months ago.

To make sure this wasn’t just me, I conducted a quick poll on a mailing list I’m on, which is dominated by libertarian professionals under 35. Of the nine who responded, seven identified themselves with this school of thought, whereas only 2 identified themselves as favoring the abolition of intellectual property. (None of them expressed support for the status quo or for further strengthening) I’m not going to claim that my friends are representative of young libertarians generally, but clearly there are a lot of us who aren’t IP anarchists.

So why are we critical of the content industry? DeLong seems to think it’s because of our unsophisticated view of property rights. Apparently, we’re fixated on the notion that property has to be a physical object, and so we can’t wrap our brains around the complexities of intangible property. I’ll just say I don’t think that’s right. I think every one of the people who responded to my little poll would enthusiastically endorse strong protections of other “intangible” rights, such as contract enforcement.

So it doesn’t appaer to me that DeLong took Adam’s suggestion that he engage his critics very seriously. He’s very good at taking potshots at the anti-IP fringe, but I’ve hardly ever seen him seriously engage his mainstream opponents. Their goal isn’t to abolish intellectual property, but to re-assert the principles that grounded America’s intellectual property system for the first 200 years of our nation’s existence.

On the off chance that Mr. DeLong is unfamiliar with this critique, allow me to pose four questions that could serve as a useful starting point for discussion. They’re about my pet issue, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, which I think is at the center of a lot of copyright-related disputes. They’re questions that, despite the DeLong’s voluminous writings on high-tech copyright in general and the DMCA in particular, I’ve never seen him address directly:

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I’m still trying to wrap my head around all the intricacies of the net neutrality debate. The latest twist is a report that Verizon plans to reserve 80% of the capacity of its network for its video service. This has prompted some to argue that Verizon is skewing the Net.

Leading Net companies say that Verizon’s actions could keep some rivals off the road. As consumers try to search Google, buy books on, or watch videos on Yahoo!, they’ll all be trying to squeeze into the leftover lanes on Verizon’s network. On Feb. 7 the Net companies plan to take their complaints about Verizon’s plans to the Senate during a hearing on telecom reform. “The Bells have designed a broadband system that squeezes out the public Internet in favor of services or content they want to provide,” says Paul Misener, vice-president for global policy at

But I don’t see how Google or Amazon have a right to tell Verizon how it should allocate the capacity of its network–and certainly not by running to the Senate. This is a different issue than Verizon trying to charge those companies for access to their customers. It would seem that this is a matter of internal allocation of a company’s resources. If customers aren’t happy with the speeds they’re getting because 80% of the bandwidth is tied up in video, they can always switch providers–to the cable companies and hopefully to wireless providers some day. That’s why we need deregulation to ensure competition, not regulation of what firms can do with their own pipes.

P.S. Does anyone know what FCC filing the report is referring to?

National Journal’s Drew Clark is looking at the recent spate of Google issues through a different lens. Many folks have suggested that Google is being inconsistent by defending liberty in the U.S. (resisting the Justice Department’s subpoena) while caving to China (installing filters as required by the government there). That’s an oversimplification in many respects and the case that Google is being inconsistent is harder to make than that.

If you want consistency, Clark’s piece shows where it is: The governments of both China and the United States are seeking to censor.

Clark goes into the fundamental problem that makes the subpoena of Google by the Justice Department so concerning: Supreme Court case law holds that people don’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy (for Fourth Amendment purposes) in information about them held by third parties. This notion is flat-out wrong. It is falling further and further out of step with reality with the advance of online life.

Law enforcement has put a lot of investment into this backward state of affairs, though. A constitutional sea-change will have to take place before people can be confident of going online without exposing themselves to the government’s prying eyes.

DRM vs. Fair Use

by on February 1, 2006 · 10 comments

My ex-roomie Julian offers another example of how digital rights management technology is needlessly inconveniencing paying customers:

A politics professor at a small liberal arts college is bringing a class to D.C. in March and has asked me to talk to his students, who have been doing a seminar on protest music in American politics, about some of the ideas in this column. Naturally, I’d like to be able to illustrate what I’m talking about with some examples, short clips from songs by Metric, Rilo Kiley, Green Day, Radiohead, Mike Doughty, The Decemberists, and others. I own all the songs in question–bought them on iTunes rather than just downloading them from Limewire or Kazaa. But Apple’s DRM doesn’t want to let me extract these short clips–indubitably a fair use, and something I could obviously do legally just by cueing up the songs manually at the appropriate timecode.

I’d be curious to know what DMCA supporters think he should do in this kind of case. Should he write a letter to each of the labels that publish these songs and ask for permission to use the exceprts? Should iTunes have a feature where you’re allowed to purchase small song clips for a nickel a piece? Or is it just possible that the most sensible way to deal with this sort of thing is to legalize DRM circumvention in circumstances where the use would otherwise be legal.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filed a class action lawsuit against AT&T for allowing the NSA to violate its customers’ privacy. I’m not sure what the chances of the lawsuit succeeding are, but Ars has a good explanation for why such data mining schemes are a poor way to battle terrorism. Matthew Yglesias has another.

Ars highlights an interview with Microsoft executive Jim Allchin about how computer hobbyists are being frozen out of access to the next generation of digital video:

Although as a platform Vista has been approved by CableLabs at this point, an important step that will still be necessary for the PC/CableCARD reality is CableLab’s approval for finshed individual OEM PCs as well. Although Vista has been approved, OEMs will in fact still need to get their individual machines certified by CableLabs as well.

What that means in plain English is that if you want to view cable TV content on your computer, you’ll need to choose a computer model that’s been individually inspected by cable labs. What if you assembled your own PC from scratch? It’s a safe bet that CableLabs won’t consider it worth the time to talk to you.

This is a problem that will only get worse. What the DMCA is doing, in essence, is making users of non-proprietary hardware and software systems second-class citizens. Already, most DRM schemes exclude open source operating systems like Linux. Now, they’re beginning to exclude custom-built hardware as well. That might not seem like a major loss to the lobbyists who got the DMCA enacted–most of whom have probably never written a line of code in their life. But for those of us who enjoy the freedom and flexibility of being able to tinker with our hardware and software, it’s a major loss.

Update: Boing Boing has more.

An Old Refrain

by on January 30, 2006 · 2 comments

Patrick Ross calls out DRM critics:

During the Grokster debate we always heard how P2P was simply a technology; it wasn’t evil. That’s true; the problem always was with the piracy on P2P, piracy encouraged by P2P software makers. Here a movie label is using P2P as a distribution tool. I’ll say this to all those opposed to DRM; if you can convince me this service would exist without DRM, I’ll make a donation to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. This new service, it seems, is further market innovation, driven once again by technological protection methods.

Ross is repeating an old refrain. In 1982, Hollywood’s top lobbyist, Jack Valenti, told us that the movie industry wouldn’t survive if Congress didn’t outlaw the “record” feature on the VCR:

But now we are facing a very new and a very troubling assault on our fiscal security, on our very economic life and we are facing it from a thing called the video cassette recorder and its necessary companion called the blank tape. And it is like a great tidal wave just off the shore. This video cassette recorder and the blank tape threaten profoundly the life-sustaining protection, I guess you would call it, on which copyright owners depend, on which film people depend, on which television people depend and it is called copyright.

Valenti said that “the VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone.” Valenti told us then–just as Ross tells us today–that if consumers were given the unfettered ability to make copies of movies, it will bankrupt Hollywood.

Valenti turned out to be spectacularly wrong. The videotape aftermarket grew to rival ticket sales as a revenue stream. It turns out that consumers value the convenience, legitimacy, and positive experience of purchasing legal content, even if they have the physical capacity to engage in piracy. Recording movies off the TV and editing out the commercials turned out to be too big of a headache for most Americans to bother with.

That was the experience in 1982, and there’s every reason that it would happen again in 2006. Legal downloads are better organized, more convenient, of higher quality, and less legally hazardous than piracy. The vast majority of consumers are likely to choose such legal downloads even if it’s physically possible for them to break the law.

Ross assumes, against all evidence, that DRM is an effective piracy deterrent. Peer-to-peer services already offer almost illegal copies of any movie on the market. All the DRM in the world isn’t going to make those networks go away. So what exactly is it supposed to accomplish besides pissing off paying customers who discover they can’t play their Warner Bros. movies on their iPods?

Update: Mike says that Warner Bros. will be charging as much for downloads as it does for the corresponding DVD, despite the enormous savings the studio will be enjoying on packaging and transportation costs. Why would any consumer pay the same price for the same product in a less convenient and untested format? for Video?

by on January 29, 2006 · 2 comments

Ars reports that is planning to roll out a video-download service in April:

Amazon’s vision includes a try before you buy model, where you could download or stream a movie for a fee, and apply that fee as a credit towards the purchase price of the corresponding DVD, should the content tickle your fancy. Another idea is to provide free downloadable versions along with regular DVD purchases, to draw in those who would rather swing by the closest Wal-Mart or FYE for their movie needs, because they just can’t stomach waiting a couple of days for their DVDs to be delivered.

This is eerily reminiscent of, the audio-streaming service that was unfortunately struck down as copyright infringement. The difference, of course, was that was founded on the radical notion that once you purchase a CD, you have a right to do as you please with it as long as you don’t share it with others. If the last few months are any indication, Amazon’s service is likely to be quite different: sure, you’ll be able watch the movie right away, but you’ll only be able to do so with the official Amazon player, and on devices that adopt Amazon’s DRM format.

It will be interesting to see if Amazon releases yet another DRM format, or decides to piggy-back on one of the existing ones. There are already three major video DRM formats (Apple, Microsoft, and Google), all of them incompatible. The last thing we need is a fourth. At some point, consumers are going to start getting headaches when they have to keep track of which of their movies play on which of their devices and applications. Hollywood seems to consider irritating their paying customers a good business strategy.

Google recently created a public-relations firestorm when it unveiled a new search site in China that censors data on behalf of the Chinese government. Though the search giant’s success stems from its birth in a free country, that doesn’t mean the company is strong enough to enforce freedom around the world.

Many Americans were horrified to learn that American-grown technology firms such as Yahoo, Microsoft, Cisco, and Google are complying with the Chinese government’s demands to control information. When Yahoo handed over data last fall that landed a Chinese journalist in jail for 10 years for simply e-mailing newspaper briefing comments to a democracy group in New York, outrage followed. But the mistake many observers make is to equate the power of corporations with the power of governments.

Read more here.

Ajax Revolution

by on January 27, 2006 · 8 comments

I’ve raved before about the Google’s recent crop of richly interactive applications. The “technology” (really, collection of old technologies that have finally matured to the point where they’re usable) behind these has been christened “Ajax.”

So here’s the latest amazing application in the Ajax tool suite: Meebo. Meebo is a multi-protocol chat client like Trillian and Fire. But unlike those programs, which are applications for desktop operating systems, Meebo is entirely web-based. If you use instant messaging, I suggest you give it a try. The level of interactivity it offers is stunning.

This is what Google Talk should have been. True, they probably couldn’t have done the voice-communication this way, so a desktop application may have been inevitable. But on the other hand, doing an Ajax IM client would have been so much more impressive than implementing yet another Windows IM client.

“Ajax” is a word you’re going to hear a lot in the coming year. If I owned a traditional web-based application (MapQuest and HotMail, I’m looking at you), I would be very worried right now. Once users start to discover what a truly interactive website looks like, they’re going to be increasingly dissatisfied with the “point, click, and wait” model. There are dozens of opportunities right now for startups to steal a significant chunk of market share by being the first to market with a particular kind of Ajax application.