Tower Records R.I.P.

by on October 11, 2006

Several places today I’ve read paeans to Tower Records which is going out of business.

An example here on DCist struck me because the author recalls her first Tower purchase, Radiohead’s The Bends. First purchase – Radiohead?! I’m getting old.

Though the write-ups I’ve seen sound the obligatory notes of sadness, there is an underlying current of inevitability – even appreciation – that a record store should find its way to oblivion. Without creative destruction, we would not have innovation. So, so long, Tower.

The first purchase I recall making at Tower – yes, age forces a retreat to what I recall – was the Dead Kennedys’ In God We Trust, Inc., purchased at the Tower in Mountain View across from the San Antonio mall. A great record. (And I assume a great CD, MP3, etc.)

How ’bout some Tower reminiscences in the comments? Who can beat the DKs for a first purchase?

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