Another 15 Minutes: A Guy Goma Update

by on June 2, 2006 · 1 Comment

What’s the hottest topic in the tech/media world today? Neutrality regulation? DRM? Wiretapping? No, its Guy Goma. Remember him? He’s the “wrong Guy” who was interviewed live on BBC a few weeks ago by mistake. Goma–a Congolese-born IT job applicant was waiting for a job interview at BBC’s offfices, when he was mistaken for Guy Kewney, an Internet policy expert whom BBC had meant to interview. (see here for my earlier post on this.)

Turns out that Goma’s time in the spotlight didn’t end with that appearance. He now has his own website––featuring Goma’s worldwide media coverage, Goma’s followup interview on BBC (this time they intended to talk to him), a Goma news feed and e-mail update list.

At the same time, it seems Guy still hasn’t gotten a job (its unclear whether he ever even got the job interview he was waiting for.) But he’s working on it – the website features an on-line petition to “urge the BBC to give Guy the job he applied for, or a better one.” The petition now has close to 6,000 signatures from around the world, and growing fast. The comments on the petitition are effusive: ” a national hero,” “a legend,” “a true star.”

No telling where this Goma-mania will end. But certainlly Goma is making the most of it, parlaying few minutes of accidental airtime into a virtual movement.

He certainly will get a job. But if he doesn’t, perhaps he could join us here at TLF. We could use his media savvy.

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