Solveig Singleton has posted about an error she spotted in my Cato paper: Linspire does in fact sell a licensed DVD player. So it looks like I was wrong when I said that there are no software DVD players available for the Linux operating system.
I’m unhappy that I missed this. I spent several hours researching available DVD players, and I asked a friend of mine who administers Linux computers for a living, and while I found extensive informaiton about several players that required the (probably illegal) libdvdcss library, I didn’t find any information about Linspire’s player. My apologies for not researching the issue more thoroughly.
I have some thoughts about how the existence of Linspire affects my argument, and I want to comment on her analysis of the CSS issue, but I’m going to wait for her to post part two of her analysis before I do so. Singleton also says that I’m guilty of “breaches of professional ettiquette,” so I’m anxious to learn more about that.