Selective Morality at PTC?

by on April 7, 2006

This week, the self-appointed moral guardians for the masses over at The Parents Television Council gave its “Seal of Approval” to “The Chronicles of Narnia” even though it contains, in the PTC’s words, “Realistic, graphic and violent King Arthur-like battle scenes with axes, swords, and hatches. Beheadings, stabbing and wounding is rampant during the fight scenes.” Moreover, at one point in the movie the PTC notes that “Susan and Lucy witness Aslan’s murder and go to the body after he is dead. Also, the moments before he is killed are cruel, sadistic and humiliating as his mane is clipped off and he is tied up and dragged up the steps to the stone table where he is killed.”

Despite this, the PTC states that “The over-all and continuously uplifting message of this fine film, far outweighs any negative content” and awards it its Family Seal of Approval. The PTC’s website says that “This award is given to worthy television programs, made-for-TV movies, motion pictures, video games, and advertisers that help parents by providing/sponsoring entertainment suitable for the entire family.”

I’m sorry, but I don’t get it. PTC routinely asks the FCC to censor much less violent fare that appears on network TV, but “beheadings, stabbing and (rampant) wounding” is “suitable for the entire family.” Seems a little inconsistent to me.

You should also check out their review of ABC’s new remake of “The Ten Commandments,” which they blast mostly because it presents a more realistic, faithful interpretation of Biblical events. Here’s my favorite line from the review: “While ABC’s ‘The Ten Commandments’ incorporates incidents normally overlooked and is technically more “accurate” to the details given in the Bible, it completely lacks any sense of respect for or understanding of the Biblical story.”

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