More on Susan Kennedy

by on December 9, 2005

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rocked the political world recently with the appointment of Susan Kennedy, Democrat and Public Utilities Commissioner (PUC) as his chief of staff. Republicans might feel snubbed, but Kennedy’s appointment is good for the technology sector.

A thriving technology sector is good for California, and next year key policy issues will affect both consumers and technology companies. These include the so-called “Consumer Bill of Rights,” cable franchise reform, and broadband deployment.

Although the Golden State is home to Silicon Valley, many legislators remain surprisingly unaware of how their actions affect innovation, economic growth, and consumer well being. Now that Susan Kennedy is joining forces with the Governator, that ignorance should start to dissipate.

A hard-working and tough-talking Susan Kennedy didn’t know much about telecommunications issues when she was appointed to the PUC just under three years ago. But after a lot of reading, observing, and discussing, she came to the same conclusion that any honest and informed person would: the telecommunications sector is over-regulated.

Read more here.

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