Telco Craziness in California

by on August 22, 2004

State Public Utilities Commission meetings are usually fairly boring affairs, but at last Thursday’s CPUC meeting, I was surprised to see a packed room and grand theatrics over UNE-P rates in California. I know what you’re thinking–didn’t a DC Appeals Court invalidate the UNE-P regs? Well, yes, but California is going ahead anyway as everyone is still waiting for new FCC rules and California is two years late in setting them in any case. The CPUC’s administrative law judge suggested allowing SBC to raise rates only $0.25–enough to cause the labor unions to get wound up. And, let me tell you, labor leaders are really good at getting their message across LOUD and clear. If telecom wasn’t such a mess, the theatrics might have been more fun. If you want to learn more about this issue, see my weekly column here.

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