Laws of Creation at Cato Wednesday

by on March 17, 2013 · 0 comments

Register here now for next Wednesday’s Cato book forum on Laws of Creation: Property Rights in the World of Ideas.

In the book, Ronald A. Cass and Keith Hylton reject the idea that changing technology undermines the case for intellectual property rights. They argue that making the work of inventors and creators free would be a costly mistake.

That cuts against the bulk of academic opinion today, which is critical of the broad scope and length of intellectual property protections today. The book has qualities that many libertarians will enjoy because it starts with first principles: the theoretical underpinnings and practical benefits of property rights.

By no means does the book answer all the questions, and we’ll have TLF’s own Jerry Brito, the editor of Copyright Unbalanced, on hand to provide commentary.

That’s Wednesday (3/20) at noon in the Cato Institute’s F.A. Hayek auditorium. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, but the sandwiches provided afterwards come at the low cost of learning more dimensions of the intellectual property debate. Register now!

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