Google Search Won’t Return Links to

by on July 24, 2008 · 28 comments

I’ve run across the most curious thing today.

Searches on Google that should turn up the Cato@Liberty blog (at do not return any result with that URL in it.

Berin took great care the other day to report on the temporary demotion of some Progress & Freedom Foundation content by the Google search engine. I want to do a similar, careful job with this because it’s a sensitive area.

Could I ask you, our visitors, to check what you get from Google? Visit Cato@Liberty and then craft the Google search that you think is most likely to return that Web site. (I’ve tried searching “ the” for example, which would return instances of the word “the” on the domain, and gotten no results.)

Next, if you have any technical knowledge, please opine on what might be causing this to occur. Cato@Liberty is a fairly high-traffic site with a large following. Its disappearance from Google search results is unusual. Any ideas on how to get it restored would be welcome.

Update: It’s a problem with robots.txt on the site.

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