Google Acts Un-Evil

by on August 21, 2007 · 6 comments

Kudos for Google for making amends for the bone-headed way Google decided to shut down its ill-fated video store. Customers will now be able to watch videos for another six months, and for every dollar they spent at the video store, they’ll get a dollar of Google Checkout credit and a dollar of cash. Google sure is sorry.

But here’s what I don’t get: why doesn’t Google just keep its DRM servers running? I don’t know exactly how they work, but it can’t possibly cost more to keep them running than to provide refunds to everyone who’s ever purchased from the store.

I hope this serves as a cautionary tale for other firms considering whether to introduce DRMed or non-DRMed content offerings: the DRM isn’t just a pain in the ass for the customer, it can be a pain in the ass for the vendor as well. Had Google heeded Mike’s advice and sold videos in an open format from the beginning, they wouldn’t be having these problems now, because files in open formats don’t require magical authentication servers to continue playing.

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