How to Survive a Robot Uprising

by on February 15, 2006 · 2 comments

We policy wonks think of ourselves as taking the long view of things, but have we been thinking ahead enough?
In the category of far future threats to liberty–from the New York Times:

In his new book, “How to Survive a Robot Uprising,” Dr. Wilson offers detailed … advice on evading hostile swarms of robot insects (don’t try to fight–“loss of an individual robot is inconsequential to the swarm”); outsmarting your “smart” house (be suspicious if the house suggests you test the microwave by putting your head in it); escaping unmanned ground vehicles (drive in circles–they’ll have a harder time tracking you); and surviving hand-to-hand combat with a humanoid (smear yourself with mud to disguise your distinctive human thermal signature and go for the “eyes”–its cameras).

I so want a Rhoomba and a Scooba, if only to watch them interact with the cats, but my husband says we have to buy this book first.

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