Ad-Supported Internet: The Musical (Web Site Story)

by on June 30, 2009 · 16 comments

The comic geniuses at have really hit the nail on the head with this musical romp through the (mostly ad-supported) web, a take-off on “Maria” from the musical West Side Story.  Besides showcasing a number of great ad-supported services, the clip really hits the nail on the head by acknowledging that “There is No Free Lunch“: The quid pro quo of advertising supports the plethora of online content and services Internet users take for granted.

Pandora, I just found a website called Pandora…
Pandora! type it in and there’s music playing
watch the ads and it’s almost like paying

I’m tempted to show the clip at our upcoming PFF Capitol Hill briefing on July 10: “Regulating Online Advertising: What Will it Mean for Consumers, Culture & Journalism?

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