Everything You Need to be Anti-

by on December 10, 2007 · 0 comments

Here’s a very appealing Web video that has enough doom ‘n’ gloom to make your head explode.

It’s interesting to see the anti-everything (-trade, -globalization, -consumerism, etc.) worldview summarized so neatly. I would be very unhappy if that was my ideology. The video’s host obviously has not read (or has dismissed) Julian Simon’s The Ultimate Resource – to say nothing of Austrian economics.

There are legitimate concerns expresed in the video – with negative externalities in third world countries, for example. But, um, hiring workers in the third world is not a negative externality. And there’s no acknowledgement of how the rule of law and property rights in those countries would empower and enrich people there.

Still, this is good stuff to consider. I could do without giving or getting all that junque at Christmastime.

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