
by on October 10, 2007 · 2 comments

PJ Doland, the serial entrepreneur who’s graciously hosted this site for the last three years, recently launched his latest effort, Shouting Match. It’s an aggregator designed to capture the trends in the tech blogosphere. Unlike TechMeme, which gives you an undifferentiated blizzard of links, Shouting uses on a carefully selected list of the best tech blogs, and includes a handy Ajaxy excerpt widget so you can see what you’re getting before you click through to view the link.

I’ve been using it for a few weeks and I’ve found it a useful way to keep tabs on the conversation in the tech blogosphere. I think you will too. It includes three channels: tech, politics, and lifehack. I think that last one is for the sort of people who obsess over what kind of containers to buy for their paper clips.

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